I read somewhere…. someone posted… “98% of my brain in Puerto Rico, the only 2% is reflex memory helping me get though the day.”  I don’t think that I could have said it any better.

At 5:30 am on a Saturday morning, I should be sleeping –but, I am up.  Overthinking, crying, reminiscing, processing & trying to make sense of  the last couple of weeks.  I am sitting here in my office, laptop at hand-wondering about the blur that has been my life these last couple of weeks -since the storm. No I was not in its direct path, Hurricane Maria did not destroy my home here in Austin Texas, I didn’t loose any material things here, we still have power/water; my husband, the kids & I are untouched…. but our hearts have been ravished, destroyed, they have been removed from our bodies and transported to Puerto Rico where they live amongst catastrophe.


There isn’t a day  I am not fighting tears, I catch my self getting lost in thought and revisiting the little town I was this summer. are they still there? What do they look like now?