How many times have you re arranged the decor on your bookshelves? Raise your hand if you are constantly looking at what Shae Mcgee is styling, so that you can get inspiration for your bookshelf too? ha ha! I am guilty too. I used to arrange and re-arrange those bookshelves all the time. I never liked what they looked like…until recently. My whole motto this year is to find pockets of peace and glam in everything that I do, get involved in & bring into my home. It was no different when it came to styling my beautiful bookshelves. I knew I wanted to fill it with items that brought pockets of peace and glam every-time I looked at them. Once I did that, I was able to style them in a way that I love and I haven’t re-arranged them since. Here is How to find pockets of peace and glam in bookshelf decor.

To find pockets of peace and glam in bookshelves decor bring in your favorite items
My first advice is to look for items that you really love. We all have items in our home or that we want to purchase that bring us a lot of joy. To be clear I am not talking about those items that bring momentary excitement, I am talking about items that make you smile every time you pass by and look at them. I love looking at unique vases, with odd shapes…and those are the items that I use in styling my bookshelves.

There are spaces in our home that are purposely arranged and styled so that we can pause and find a moment of peace. Where we can get lost in thought, get inspired or simply sit and enjoy a moment to reconnect with God. Those spaces of peace and glam are achieved when we select items in a certain color palette. When you want pockets of peace and glam in your bookshelf decor you will want to bring in items you love, but also items that fit a certain color pallets. The color of your choice is connected with what you will feel in that space. I want to feel calm and peace and so the items I have chosen are neutral, natural tones, and gold/brass hues.

Want to shop this room in my house. Check out the items I have chosen to get pockets of peace and glam in bookshelf decor.

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