I often get asked how I started my weight-loss journey, specifically how I lost my first 10 lbs. in 4 months. So I wanted to share what worked for me, in hopes that you can get some inspiration for your own journey. One important thing to remember is, that our bodies are all different, so its always a good idea to visit your doctor, get some blood work done and make sure that your hormones and thyroid are in good shape; as well as everything else that is getting tested on your blood panel. **** Hormones + thyroid + (all those other medical acronyms in your blood work panel) + workouts + nutrition = weight loss. It all works together.
We all start at different fitness levels. So find your inspiration. get motivated; but always remember this is your journey…and your journey starts in your head. I was finally at a place where I was mentally prepared to loose the pounds. Your mindset is one of the most important steps in loosing weight. If your mind is not committed, your body will not follow. So, start by making a commitment to yourself and establish your goals.

After I made a commitment to myself, I began to change my eating habits. If I was going to spend all that time working out and burning calories, I had to fuel up and start making better food choices. This did not happen over night for me. Check out my “SELF LOVE AND HOW TO HOW TO GET YOUR EATING HABITS BACK ON TRACK ” post and see how I slowly got my nutrition on track. The Bottom line of weight loss = eat less calories than you burn. There is no magical formula. It takes hard work. It takes one Small victory at a time…and it takes commitment to self. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
To help you calculate your daily calorie needs check out this Calorie Calculator, click here. Now you know how many calories you get to eat a day. Do not exceed that number!

I started walking every morning after dropping off the kids at school. I just walked. I began walking 1 mile a day and eventually increased it to three miles a day. I combined that with good nutrition. No weights, no additional workouts. Just a walk to clear my mind and focus on myself. I was battling a mental battle, I had so many excuses keeping me from walking. Most mornings I walked alone -which also scared me and became another excuse not to walk. But I was consistent. I blocked out that hour every morning for me.
I was exhausted at first – then I began to get these boosts of energy throughout my days. A week later I walked half a mile longer; until I built the resistance to walk three miles a day. That was the start. something simple, that I was consistent with.
I stepped up my "game" by walking faster and adding a little running time. I found a great app (UnderArmor Record - no I am not sponsored by them) but I loved this app, because it calculates my walks, jogs and I was even able to sync it up to My fitness pal. This is where I began to get pretty serious about my nutrition. I was able to track the calories my body burnt with the calories I consumed - and I began to balance calories out.

I lost 5 lbs. walking/running and working on my nutrition. When I began to see big changes in my body -was when I began to incorporate weights and bands to my workouts. I am not going to lie to you, it has taken a lot of hard work to get my mom bod to start shedding the weight. I would encourage you to stick with it and to promise your self 30 minutes a day! This is your journey, your one life. A healthy lifestyle will help you enjoy it more. I hope this can encourage you to start your workouts journey - where-ever you might be!
(with my affiliate links)
Okay, this is the start of your journey! Please let me know how I can help you get started and if you have any questions for me or suggestions on what you would like for me to share!
Hello friend! I am Melissa...a Caribbean girl now living in Austin,Texas. A beach lover living in the middle of hill country; I write about what inspires me to balance a life as a mother, wife, DIYer, traveler, hostess and homemaker.
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