Cleaning, caring for and maintaining Saltillo tiles and grout is easier than you think.  Actually. that is one of the reasons why these tiles floors are such a popular option. Besides their unique beauty, Saltillo tile floors are durable, hide daily wear and tear very well and don’t show dog hair, lint, and other daily dust/floor dirt like other floors do. I have two dogs and two very active kiddos and I don’t live cleaning my floor every day. These floors have seen it all, from surviving a major leak issue in our kitchen to drastic shift in weather during our latest historic snow storm.  Check out how I care and maintain my floors.

Saltillo Tile

Mexican Tile that is tile made from clay from the Mexican city of Saltillo, Coahuila.  This hand crafted, imperfect tiles has a lot of character as no two tiles are the same. Its rustic flare coupled with its durability makes this a great tile flooring option. I stumbled upon these floors, when I bought my first home in Texas.  I have to admit I was not a fan of them at first, the orange tones throughout really threw my design and style into a loop. But now I love them… they are easy to care for and to clean, not to mention durable.

Click images below to purchase Saltillo Tile options ( These are affiliate links, which means that I make a small commission at no additional cost to you)

How to Clean Saltillo Tile Flooring (Updated Visual Guide)Rustico tile leander tx


Mexican Saltillo Tile Clean and Care & Grout Cleaning

Check out my step by step Saltillo tile care and maintenance post. It is very information, step by step tutorials on how I clean/maintain my floors and I have even included links to the products and the tools that I use on my floors.

Check out How to keep your Saltillo tiles clean and shiny.

and for Grout Care:

Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Grout on Saltillo Tile Floors.

Click to purchase Mexican Saltillo Tile Cleaner

Cleaning Grout on Saltillo Tile
cleaning grout on saltillo tile

Style + Home Decor

These beautiful floors come in a variety of color options now. I have seen them in black and even white…so if you are looking to update your home and you are looking for lighter or darker floors, Saltillo can still be a good floor option for you. Like I have said before, my home already came with these and so I styled my home around them. Using lots of lighter tones in my decor, the floors have become a focal point.  You don’t have to be married to rustic decor or  Spanish home interiors – you can make just about any decor style work.


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