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Mommy Summer Survival tip #2: Cover ups
I went to the pool with the littles yesterday and I was regretting every single taco and Queso I have had this year. Darn you Queso, why you have to be so good?? now I am wearing you on my thighs. You have re-shaped my summer body. ugh!
Anywho, summer is here and I didn’t really stick to my New Years resolution of a new body, new me…I ate Queso. Can you relate? …hence the “Mommy Summer Survival tip #2: Cover Ups” post.

Listen, its not that I think I will ever have the body of my dreams, (Shakira’s body cough cough…my hips don’t lie)…..I have come to accept that my body has changed after having kids. Learned to embrace every curve and dimple and varicose vein that has made a grand entrance and parked permanently on my legs. Okay, I’m lying, I haven’t totally embraced it, but I am currently trying to get to the point of, maybe, accepting it.

Although, I haven’t accepted everything that my body has become, I refuse to stay on the side lines because of it. I refuse to spend summers hiding and regretting. I want to be in the pictures and make the memories. I want to jump in the pool with my kids and I will enjoy summer with them! They don’t care about my curves, or dimples or varicose veins; they just want me there swimming, splashing and laughing with them.

cute cover ups
And so…the survivalist in me began to look for cute Cover ups to wear as I head out to the pool this summer. Here are a list of my favorite Cover Ups and where to get them. I hope that they can help you feel a little more comfortable by the pool this summer. Wear them to the pool, and then jump in! enjoy summer!! What are your favorite pool side drinks? I’m curious… (please leave comment below)
Cute Covers and where to get them: Click on each image
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Such a well-written post! Although I do not have any kids, I am still a normal person that has body image issues! I love to wear cover-ups and I loved the ones you picked out! My favorite one is the black-tassel cover-up (so in trend!). And my favorite pool-side drink is just plain water, I know, how boring. I tend to get headaches if I don’t stay hydrated when I’m at the pool – so water it is!
I love this post! I really never wore cover ups, but now that I’m a Mama and a bit self-conscious with my body change, I think that I’ll be doing so now! These a some really cute ones! Plus, a nice glass of lemonade works for me when I’m at the pool! Haha! :-)