How to find pockets of peace and glam in bookshelf decor

How many times have you re arranged the decor on your bookshelves? Raise your hand if you are constantly looking at what Shae Mcgee is styling, so that you can get inspiration for your bookshelf too? ha ha! I am guilty too. I used to arrange and re-arrange those bookshelves all the time. I never liked what they looked like…until recently. My whole motto […]

By |2021-09-08T16:14:42+00:00September 8th, 2021|decor|0 Comments

Establishing after school routines with your kids

Photos by MarElly from Happy Thoughts Studios

Establishing after school routines with the kids

Establishing after school routines

Establishing after school routines with the kids, can be fun and can help you organize your home.

Last school year, I tried something new with the kiddos, in hopes, that they would be involved in helping me keep the house organized. […]

By |2019-07-07T13:26:55+00:00August 7th, 2018|back to school|0 Comments

Entrance table

Our Entrance Table

This entrance table has become one of my favorite pieces of furniture in the house. I love that it is not new, it has character and a lot of storage. This little gem used to be a buffet table in its former days…after a little love, elbow […]

By |2017-10-09T14:10:06+00:00January 16th, 2017|decor|0 Comments